Hemas Consumer Brands are guided by its moral compass: its values. It is those values that hold it together in meeting success and providing its customers with high-quality products with the best standards. Hemas Consumer Brands constantly aspire to raise the benchmarks of high-quality products that contribute to enrich the lives of its communities to foster a culture of health and wellbeing.

Marking the 2021 National Quality Week and the World Standards Day Dimuthu Jayasinghe, Director of Research and Development at Hemas Consumer Brands stated, “Hemas Consumer Brands strive to produce safe and high-quality products to be offered to our valued consumers. Maintaining and improving quality frameworks are ingrained in its people and its production processes, where we continuously strive to meet the quality expectations of our loyal customers. We pride ourselves in our extensive quality certifications across various brands, which reflect our immense efforts to build a healthier nation.”
In addition to the certifications that recognizes our efforts to upkeep the product standards, the Sri Lanka National Quality Award, which was presented to Hemas Consumer Brands in 2019, is a testament to the commitment of ensuring high quality products. Sri Lanka National Quality Award is an annual awards program presented by the Sri Lanka Standards Institution (SLSI) to recognize Sri Lankan organizations for their Performance Excellence and Business Sustainability.
Baby Cheramy, the baby care products manufacturing arm of Hemas Consumer Brands, was the first-ever Sri Lankan baby care brand to secure an SLS certification for baby soaps. Baby Cheramy received this highly coveted certification in recognition of its high-quality products and state-of-the-art manufacturing processes. Furthermore, all Clogard toothpaste and toothbrush products, several Fems and Kumarika product ranges are also accredited with the SLS certification. To add to this growing list of accreditations, the Hemas Consumer Brands manufacturing site is certified under the ISO 9001:2015 scheme which ensures a robust quality management system.
Hemas Consumer Brands, a truly Sri Lankan entity with a history spanning over 73 years in producing the best products to suit the changing lifestyles of Sri Lankans, firmly believes in the importance of these certifications which portray its value throughout its operations. For Hemas Consumer Brands, standards and certifications are much more than just quality assurance; it takes on the role of making sure that what it offers to the market is the absolute best for the consumers. Living and breathing its motto of ‘Enriching Lives’, Hemas Consumer Brands constantly up-keeps product and process standards to contribute to improving the quality of life, with an emphasis on safety, of the valued consumers.