All 37 members of the Finance Houses Association of Sri Lanka (FHA), collaborated to showcase their commitment to sustainable finance, by initiating the planting of a record breaking 261,196 trees, to commemorate its 65th Anniversary. This is recorded as the highest number of trees ever planted in a single day in Sri Lanka. The first tree was ceremonially planted by the Governor of the Central Bank – Dr. Nandalal Weerasinghe, at Independence Square. This will be followed by a massive Island wide project actively involving all the branch level teams of participating member Companies of the Finance Houses Association.
More than 30 valuable tree variants ranging from Mee, Kohomba, Kumbuk, Mara, Kaluwara and Palu to fruit trees such as Mango, Beli, Guava and Pomegranate will contribute to the environment by reducing the carbon footprint serving a dual purpose. This is one of the largest initiatives of its kind in Sri Lanka, with an amazing 500,000 trees set to be planted across Sri Lanka. Going in-depth into this record-breaking achievement, of the foremost contributors in this landmark initiative, 14 member companies of the FHA have taken centre stage to make this event a success.
The project covers all 9 provinces of Sri Lanka, over 1100 locations being carefully selected to ensure the trees are nurtured and cared for until they are self-sufficient. This occasion is also very special for yet another reason, as the Finance Houses Association of Sri Lanka celebrated a memorable milestone of its 65th year of service to our nation
Air pollution is a hugely destructive factor that wreaks havoc on the environment and in turn on our overall health. It is a slow, silent threat that globally many countries have taken steps to combat. The best way to combat such a threat, is the release of life-giving oxygen, into the environment and increasing the ratio of oxygen. That is the determined aim behind this remarkable initiative of the Finance Houses Association of Sri Lanka.
Members of the FHA state, that since they have voluntarily provided leasing facilities for commercial and private vehicles, in order to contribute towards the economic development of Sri Lanka, they have taken upon themselves the noble duty to as responsible corporate citizens, to initiate several impactful environment friendly initiatives like this, to reduce carbon emission and protect the environment.
Another crucial contributor to the environment’s health was identified by the Finance Houses Association of Sri Lanka. Rather than growing the number of fuel operated vehicles, emphasis is given towards providing leasing facilities to battery operated vehicles – thereby making a stronger dent towards a more impactful environment friendly effort. As global awareness of global warming and rising air pollution increases, the awareness in Sri Lanka of this, is also at an all time high.
The Central Bank of Sri Lanka is in the process of highlighting policies to overcome the air pollution due to vehicle emissions, while the FHA have introduced Sustainable Finance Policies to greatly contribute towards the betterment of the environment – and our lives. Leading the way was member company of this project was Alliance Finance PLC, which was the first Sri Lankan financial institution in both the banking and non-banking sector of Sri Lanka to sign the “Karlsrue Resolution” on sustainable finance – pledging commitment to “Agenda 2030” and the United Nations sustainable development goals through their business.
One of the key objectives of the FHA is to support the Central Banks Roadmap for Sustainable Finance in Sri Lanka by encouraging member Companies to follow the core pillars, which are: Financing VISION 2030, ESG integration into Financial Markets, facilitating financial inclusion, Capacity building, International Cooperation and Measurement & Reporting.
Their goal is to normalize a holistically sustainable business philosophy within the member companies that will contribute towards national and global sustainability priorities. Not surprisingly, these remarkable steps to protect the environment, have won the hearts of many global nations who are combating the impact of air pollution. This also brings a high probability of increased financing to find its way into our nation.
The FHA understands the fundamental human right we all share – to breathe clean fresh air. And, they have pledged their dedicated efforts to work tirelessly towards making this human right a reality for every Sri Lankan.
Image Captions:
Dr. Nandalal Weerasinghe, Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka addressing the Event
The first tree being planted by Dr. Nandalal Weerasinghe, Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka together with the FHA