Pelwatte Dairy Industries Limited (PDIL), the Sri Lankan dairy giant, celebrated its staff’s performance excellence for Y2020/’21 with ‘PDIL Award Ceremony 2021’. The grand event saw 120 dedicated staff members winning cash prizes and certificates in recognition of their strong performance for Y2020/‘21. Representatives from all PDIL departments and functions too joined the celebratory event.
The successful Awards Ceremony saw all top three ranks in the performance category being rewarded for staff members whose dedication brought greater results for PDIL in Y2020/’21 amid a raging COVID crisis.
Harshan Jeewakumara, Manager of Human Resources, Pelwatte Dairy said: “For us, our human resources come first. At this ceremony, we awarded staff members whose dedication amid COVID crisis inspired us and moved us forward. Thanks to the commitment of our staff members, despite the Pandemic, in 2020/’21 many of our product lines showed an increase in sales revenue. As a result, the Company’s Gross Profits almost doubled, growing by a strong 180% in comparison to 2019/’20. In the same period, the Profits Before Tax (PBT) increased by 148%. Amid COVID restraints the company also increased its total farmer-base by 16% in comparison to the previous year, which now totals at 6500. I congratulate the staff on the completion of such a successful year and extend my heartiest congratulations to all winners for their exemplary performance and whose light shone the brightest for us in Y2020’/21.”
Performance Awards were presented for the Best Plant Operator, Best Dairy Development Officer, Best Sales Representative, Best Quality Assurance Analyst, Best Technician, Best Driver, Best Milk Collecting Center in Charge, Best Sales Outlet in Charge and Best Sales Area Supervisor.
With the understanding that its ‘human resources come first’, PDIL continuously took steps to guarantee the advancement, wellbeing and security of its staff members. This includes the initiation of a Covid-19 vaccination drive by PDIL. The company implemented strict guidelines from the beginning of the pandemic to ensure that all staff, customers, dairy farmers and partners were safe. Weekly rapid antigen tests were conducted periodically. Staff members were vaccinated at least once and they adhered to COVID19 health protocols in all spaces within the PDIL premises. Their job security was ensured –which allowed staff to return to work with peace of mind.
PDIL has also supported
over 10,000 dairy farmers and other associated families thus far contributing
to the national dairy supply chain. In fact, in the Pandemic hit 2020/’21,
PDIL’ farmer pay-outs have increased by a
huge 70%. The company’s resilience throughout the uncertain times ensured its
production process to function well without interruptions-even resulting in
doubling of its production output in certain categories, and making 2020/’21 a
winning year for PDIL.