Pelwatte Dairy Industries, the pioneering local dairy producer in the county, has shown resilience during the pandemic and its effects along with other challenges as environmental conditions and public policies. The fluctuations in milk production, difficulty in transportation and logistics, disruption in the supply chains, worker shortages in the factories and increased production cost are amongst the many problems faced.

The Dairy Industry, like many other industries had to face the pandemic and its impacts. The lockdowns and travel restrictions put forth in place have impacted the industry at large. Yet the ability to be resilient to the pandemic and other market shocks across the value chain has placed Pelwatte to be a front runner in the local dairy industry. The company introduced several multi-faceted approaches that are yet to be followed in the Industry.
Pelwatte Dairy Industries, as a company of immense social and economic value, has been offering its unwavering support towards dairy farmers and their families, the Sri Lankan economy, and the country as a whole.
Mr Eranda, Dairy Development Executive, Pelwatte Dairy Industries said “The lockdown imposed for the 3rd wave, wasn’t as challenging as the ones before. Our management and superiors had put effective measures in all processes and functions to operate in unexpected circumstances and crisis situations” He added “The authority has been decentralized giving middle and lower management the necessary training and tools to ensure smooth continuity of business operations in any such instance. Our experiences during the first Lockdown took us through a learning curve.”
Pelwatte has adhered to all the health guidelines put forth. From the production stage of sourcing milk from the farmers to getting it transported to our newly established chilling centres, getting it processed in our factories and then getting it to the shelves according to the prominently accredited 72-hour farmer to shelf timeline. Also, Pelwatte has also made all arrangements for the necessary sanitary products and disposable PPE kits to be readily available for its staff at all times.
The company ensured regular internal health inspections while also taking measures to ensure regular visits of the PHIs and MOH to the factories and farms to monitor the company and all of its processes. The company is proud to announce the results to be positive and very commendable. As such, several measures have been established ever since the first wave of the pandemic in Sri Lanka in March 2020. This has ensured that the company aligns with the Government’s health guidelines and ensure the safety of the consumers, staff and all stakeholders.
In a state of the pandemic crisis, Pelwatte understands that the job security of the employee is ensured. This has been quite evident with the fact that Pelwatte has not ever put the employee’s salary or work at stake even during the most turbulent of times. The staff of Pelwatte have been offered regular awareness and training sessions to keep up with the latest regulatory measures by the government as well as predefined measures by the health frontlines.
Dairy is a ubiquitous part of the local food pallet, a main form of consumption on its own and used for a variety of foods; whether as an end product or as a critical input.
About Pelwatte
Pelwatte Dairy Industries Ltd is a fast growing organization engaged in the manufacture and distribution of superior quality dairy products country-wide. Many growth areas have been identified and the Company is moving at a rapid pace to emerge as a force to reckon within the industry. Pelwatte Dairy Industries is engaged in producing milk products of international quality and the flagship Pelwatte brand enjoys the complete confidence of customers who have been our source of strength and motivation.